In this Sorority Session:

  Sticks & Stones

Let’s review the Conversation Highlights:

Self-Reliance | Perseverance | Industrious

Well, how about that story from Di’s Episode 51 of her setback(s) and coming back stronger than ever! When did you have a setback and how did you overcome it, or did you succumb to it? What did you learn, what will you do or what did you do to recover? In this session let’s back each other and ourselves by reviewing why it is a great exercise to explore the situation.

After listening to Di talk about the situation where the neighbors complained to the local authorities but ultimately, she prevailed and in a big way…it was a real-life struggle. What a turn of events that they ended up backing Di and loved what she was doing to fully supported her…sticks and stones ladies, stick and stones. I’m pretty confident that we can all picture a situation in our own lives when things went off the rails and we had to regroup or a team/group setting where you felt the odd one out or worse…how did you handle it? What was the lesson learned?

I could share several, many examples myself, yet while in the moment or during the sometimes-lengthy regrouping phase I do spend time reflecting back to find the valuable lesson or lessons within the circumstance. I find that journaling immediately and capturing as much of the situation as possible good, bad and severely ugly allows me to release it to the paper and out of my head until I am in a solid state of mind to review it objectively. Now, some situations won’t have any logic to them…we are humans…so logic, or common sense may not always apply. It’s my experience though, in every example I have been able to identify opportunities of growth, what to do, what not to do and best practices to assist me in my business or relationships. Another great best practice that helps me and I have shared this before is keeping a sand filled hourglass on my desk that allows me the visual ability to accept the moment, acknowledge the emotions to mentally process then let it go as soon as the sand has filtered empty through to the bottom half. Done, journaled, acknowledged, lessons learned…onwards and upwards!

I believe in you!

