Introducing our V.I.P. Featured Guest Michelle Emmick, she spent 20 years of her career working in the field of medical aesthetics as a sales and operations leader. Seeing a critical need in the market for transparency when it came to elective procedures, in 2018 Michelle co-founded MyCoachMD, a platform that provided consumers education and support prior to having a cosmetic procedure. She is the author of the Best-seller book, Blue-Collar Beauty, Confessions of a Plastic Surgery Coach, which provides insider knowledge in a fun and empowering way with a message that beauty starts from within.
Off the success of her book, Michelle wanted to expand her platform message and challenge the mainstream by promoting truth, transparency, and a mission of defining beauty on our own terms. In 2021 Michelle co-founded Ask Us Beauty, a quarterly digital and print magazine with content designed to educate, empower and inspire individuals on all things beauty and wellness. Whether it’s through products, services, procedures, or personal brands, Ask Us Beauty challenges the status quo and brings together people of all backgrounds to share their stories and experiences, leaving you with inspiration to live your best life.
Connector: She is an advocate for education and empowerment. She loves to tell stories, connect people, and educate for successful results. She talks about being born with an optimistic personality and a child of hard-working teachers and strong work ethics that also grew up with those values. She and her partners are delivering a thoughtful, carefully curated magazine of quality, Ask Us Beauty. They are defining beauty on their own terms, doing it their way-sometimes it helps not to be of the industry. She says their magazine has a heartbeat, tune in! She talks about her desire to make an impact and is she ever!
Driving Force: She’s a wife, mom, carves out time for exercise, is a list maker and she has set a hard boundary to be available and present with her daughter after school beginning in the carpool line for an hour (or more). Brilliant! She shares her insights of best practices for clearing her mind to get, her tenacity of getting past the “no’s” or ghosting and loves to ask a lot of questions. Michelle shares times throughout her journey when she knew it was time to make career adjustments based on behind-the-scenes insights, alignment of values or that she climbed the ladder only to get to the top and didn’t like what she saw.
Innovator: Virtual consultations, those will never work! Michelle talks about the innovation of seeing the vision of possibilities. Tune in! She talks about her ability to see a flaw in the system-no show appointments and flip it around to solve the problem. In doing that created a successful company MyCoachMD, because it helped answer the questions in the comfort of their home of a potential patient with the “know before you go” removing the fear and improving appointment confirmations. Throughout her Silhouettes of Success journey, she witnessed transformations and shares about the inspiration of her best-seller book, Blue-Collar Beauty, Confessions of a Plastic Surgery Coach. Her advice of doing it for the right reasons is on point and the book shares great insights, stories, and education-check it out for yourself!
Carve your name in hearts, not marble.
Ask Us Beauty | Nomination Form
Blue-Collar Beauty, Confessions of a Plastic Surgery Coach
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