Our V.I.P. Featured Guest Nellie Harden is a Family Life & Leadership Coach who focuses on helping parents love & lead their teen/tween daughters in a way that teaches them to love & lead themselves while building a strong foundation of worth, esteem & confidence all before they leave home! She is a wife and mom to 4 teen daughters, author, speaker, podcaster, retired homeschooling parent and adventure chaser. She has a degree in biology and psychology, years of personal and leadership training and a diverse behavior background from humpback whales in the South Pacific to teens and parents in homes across the world. She believes in a life of intention, making dreams and goals realities and knows that the best way to change the world is through one living room at a time! Author, Speaker and Family Life & Leadership Coach Founder of The 6570 Family Project

“The best way to change the world is through one living room at a time”


6570: Did you catch Nellie share why the number “6570” is so relevant…tune in! There are just 6, 570 day in 18 years. Take it in for a minute. Nellie’s goal is to help develop self-disciplined leaders of their own lives, so they are chasing their goals and dreams and not self-worth before they leave the home. Life Bender. Listen up, tune in. Leadership training…what if this was introduced during the 6570? We are not raising kids, we are raising people. The 6570 Family Project, see the Resource section below and to get involved.

Worth: Nellie reflects on the early stages of her Silhouettes of Success story from the loss of her dad as a baby to leaving home at seventeen and all of that comes with being so young and finding her way. She shares that there were dark times from decisions that drew her in based on seeking self-worth. Fast forward, she is now able to connect all of the dots to be in a place where she helps others on this amazing journey of life!

Centered: Nellie talks about staying centered to be a collective from with a family of six. She is structured to be spontaneous and creative! She has a morning routine. The early mornings are non-negotiable. She is able to have that time of solitude to prepare and focus. She has 30 minutes for active movement, learning time and alone time! She shares the need to be up and going before the household or she feels she’s already behind, very retable! She and her husband have quality time, intentionally being with each other, then the afterschool routine winding the day down all together, nightly! In addition to staying in tune with the family, they have one-on-one time with each daughter, twice a week.


Discipline yourself so others don’t have to.




5 Things Your Daughter Needs

Daughter Decoder


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