Our V.I.P. Featured Guest Lezlee Liljenberg is a business owner, entrepreneur, and author on a mission to help others in the discovery of their true identities, their biological families and dealing with DNA surprises.

In a previous life Lezlee was a successful commercial real estate broker and in 2004 turned to insurance as she started her first agency from ground zero, growing the business to over $6 million in revenue in less than 12 years. After 18 years she sold her enterprise and formed Liljenberg Insurance Expert Witness, where she is a consultant and expert witness for insurance cases.

Over the past 30 years of her life, she knew there was something not quite right with comments and issues popping up concerning her past. Her DNA test from Ancestry sparked even more uncertainty in her heritage.

Lezlee spent several years asking all the right questions of her family and friends, to no avail. Then in 2020, her brother encouraged her to take the 23andMe test which would turn her life in a totally new, exciting, and, needles to say, a topsy turvy direction.

In 2021 she discovered the identity of her true biological family and has taken numerous  steps to meet them, many times with disappointment and pain, but more importantly, she has encountered love and acceptance that overcomes the hurts. The uncertainty drives her forward and closer to the truth of the past and that of others.

Lezlee is sharing her DNA story about love, loss, pain and pursuit of the truth to hopefully help others know that they are not alone. Her story is not an unusual one as the community of the “Non-Parent Expected” grows exponentially every year.

She wholeheartedly believes that age should never keep you back from learning more and taking new adventures. No matter our age, ethnicity, origins or skin color we all are in this thing called “Life” together.

Lezlee Liljenberg holds a BA in Journalism/Public Relations and a MA in Political Science/Public Administration from the University of Texas at Arlington. She has published two books and numerous articles. Her story of her DNA journey entitled “If You Only Knew-A DNA Journey” will be her next publication and you can follow her blog and stay in touch with her at She would love to hear your story and for you to become part of her family.


In the Zone: Lezlee has jumped fully into her writing post selling her insurance agency and is now has an expert witness consulting business and has just released a long-awaited book! She shares the journey of what has taken place in her world , Act II since our fist podcast together Episode 11 in December 2020! Lezlee calls herself a binge writer and explains what works for her to work on a goal or project. As a writer she is most productive when she is able to seclude herself and focus to let it flow whether it’s an article for a publication, reports or even a book! Tune in for all the juicy tips and tricks. Did you catch her message about “risk taker”…BAM!

Seeker: Lezlee takes us on her journey over the last three years of discovery, purpose and inspiration to seek and find the truth for herself. Along the easy she encountered hurt, pain and celebrations of joyful connections. She is a Nancy Drew at heart and had friends that stepped in to help. She connected with new family members that embraced her quest and new friends that poured their love on her throughout. She talks about the support groups and resources she placed in her book to share with her readers. Lezlee is as passionate about seeking and finding her truth and sharing to support others that need a light to guide their journey along the NPE path. This will be a wonderful screenplay one day!

Positive Forces: Lezlee shares with us a treasure trove of best practices and tips that have helped her along this phase of her Silhouettes of Success journey. In this phase of heavy lifting being present to share the message and her book she is in the midst of book signings, speaking engagements and book clubs. To help support her mission and goals she has found taking time to give herself a break. In this she has taken up reading devotionals and meditating every morning. She speaks to the importance of exercise and the naughty stress factors. Supporting her success her husband, friends, writing, art and spiritually. Her heart continues to share with us on more resources, so tune in along with checking out her Blog (link in the Resources below).


Have a mixed life…tune in to hear more!



Instagram: @lezleeliljenberg

Facebook: Lezlee Liljenberg Consultant Expert Witness

Facebook: Lezlee Liljenberg-Author

Website: I am Lezlee


NPE: A story guide for unexpected DNA discoveries by Leeanne Hay

The Stranger on my Genes by Bill Griffeth

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

If You Only Knew by Lezlee Liljenberg….get your copy today!



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