In this Sorority Session:
It is broke, so fix it!
Let’s review the Conversation Highlights:
Plan | Tango | Brain Twin
Silhouettes, what did you take away from Celi’s Episode #136? As with every Silhouette of Success V.I.P. Featured Guest, my head swirls with admiration, beaming optimism and appreciation. Something that caught my attention is when Celi mentioned that she is, “inspired by fixing something and doing it differently”, yes-I liked that! The visionaries are able to see the gaps in a process, system, product or any aspect of life. I find it remarkable to have that skillset. It is a gift. The ability to see through the noise and hone in a deficiency or opportunity to improve. Depending on the circumstance, we all have the ability to troubleshoot and resolve dilemma’s that’s what we do, resolve, solve, fix, create, deconstruct…we have been taught this from childhood. Ah, but then we were told to stop breaking it, be careful, be safe, don’t mess with it if it is working, that’s how we have always done it…you get my drift! We are creatures of discovery and when young there wasn’t the fear, insecurities, inhibitions or care what others think. I’d like to create an elixir, bottle it with a supersized stash to have at the ready! Since I am a little extra, it would have to be delicately perfumed with the aromatic essence of sweet {Silhouettes of} success! To realize that there is opportunity within the challenge or gap, the boxy of anyone that is willing to identify, speak up and take action regardless of those around that either don’t get it or worse don’t want to get on board (can you say fe-a-r)—I cheer you on with tambourines and a megaphone!
Break it!
Rework it!
Create an improved version!
Invent what is missing!
Follow your instincts, listen to your gut, plug your ears and focus on your hear and hearts focused determination to improve, revive and recreate nothing to help all the world.