In this Sorority Session:

What’s Your Vision for your Life, Relationships, Business and Legacy?

Let’s review the Conversation Highlights | Episode 1

Legacy | Relationships | Vision

  1. It’s time to stop.
  2. Go to your calendar.
  3. Now, schedule a 30-minute block each day (during your most tranquil, productive part of the day) for 30 days to invest focused, quality time in yourself; for your present, for your future as you take the steps to artfully assemble and purposefully curate, craft and form the foundational vision of your Legacy.

You will find in doing this daily exercise it reveals clarity around your goals, desired achievement of mini successes, a habit of focused time with light beginning to shine on the larger blocks of your foundation towards creating, building and shaping your desired vision for your Legacy!

Remember what Reggi said “So what that just told me is that no matter how difficult you believe the situation is and how you don’t see your way out-sometimes we need to stop looking and do what is in our heart to do and every time we take a step, God is going there meet us and give us whether it is the resources, the knowledge, the understanding the peace whatever it is as we make those steps.”

The mico-steps you take are successes, your successes on a path to your vision of legacy! Pretty simple, very exciting!

What do you want to accomplish? Write it down, draw it…these are your natural gifts flowing out as they are within your head and heart. Is the vision or goal big and bold…good! Is it a mini task to complete that’s been a thorn stuck in your pretty finger…pull it out. Writing it down within your vision plan is like grabbing the tweezers and plucking it out! Darling…pluck it out and move forward!

In the book Visionary, author Tony Rogers Jr. is on point when he explains that a visionary is someone that says: “I will no longer accept the life I was given, I will create the life I envision.”

How will you share your light within you that is shining so, so bright with your family, friends or others? As you plan the contours of your Silhouette of Success story, it’s continuing to gracefully take on intentional symmetry and gorgeous shape. Such peace with the reward of calm confidence that you are truly defining your legacy with thoughtful focus of your vision. Cue the confetti!


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Shari Miller