COMING SOON! The Traveling Circus | CONVENTIONal Wisdom

“Entertain a Clown and you become part of the Circus”


How is that for an opener! I’m bringing you an informative guide to better prepare for your next business event while staying one step ahead of the circus crowd with a twist of humor!

Conventions and events, especially out of town functions seem to bring out quirky behaviors. I’ll share some best practices, tips-n-tricks that have helped me stay on my toes while engaging to maximize the opportunities for a successful outcome.

Allow me to elaborate the importance of this course, let me hop up on my pedestal!

At some point in your business or professional journey you will have the opportunity to participate in a convention, seminar, mastermind, trade show, meet up, team building or some type of event with a group of industry related participants, co-workers or acquaintances.

It might be onsite, local or better yet require you to travel {YAY!} in any case…what have you done to prepare for the event? Prepare you ask…why, what for?

Let me help you on this one. Awkward or unanticipated situations, unexpected, downright unpleasant or sadly dangerous behaviors by others (and yourself), difficult conversations, managing expectations, heightening your skills and readiness to maximizing every possible opportunity. 

Hmmm, so what’s your plan? Still waiting…

This doesn’t mean you are carrying around a How To Manual but, trust me…you will be grateful that we spent this time together! 

Today’s focus is to help you prepare to both maximize the opportunity and keep you on your toes!

Are you ready…let’s do this!