In this Sorority Session:

The Cocktail Napkin 

Let’s review the Conversation Highlights:

  Use Your Napkin | Networking | Hats


How many great and brilliant ideas were dreamed up on a cocktail napkin?

Well, I did a little bit of unscientific research and found that there is so much more to this humble little folded paper than I ever realized. So, let’s have some fun in learning more together…because after all, who hasn’t used a cocktail napkin for something other than its basic use as a buffer under your favorite beverage?

When Vicky sets the scene for us in Episode 21 on how she and her co-founder identified a major gap in their industry and created the concept of their business, The NADP {National Association of Divorce Professionals), remember it all started on a cocktail napkin!

Well, I have many fond stories sitting with friends, business associates and more importantly my husband brainstorming awesomeness on these little darlings throughout the years. In fact, I have saved the very special ones! So this was beginning to intrigued me more and more-so, in a completely unscientific research quest, I asked this question to a segment of my social media sphere for their stories and here are some of the highlights:

  • Engaged couples have drawn out maps of the United States to narrow in on the places they will explore to call home!
  • House and blueprint plans have been drafted around the coffee stained circle.
  • Business goals, expansion thoughts have been outlined in eyeliner on a cocktail napkin.
  • New organization chart framework drawn over the peanut shell crumbs on a cocktail napkin.
  • Lipstick illustrations of engineering prototypes and conceptual components analyzed
  • Doodles of pros and cons weighed out
  • Animated messages of gratitude, sincerity and love left for each other, left for strangers!

In addition to the sampling above, while continuing to toy with the notion of who else out in this magnanimous world might have scribbled, drafted, artfully drawn out brilliant ideas or future successes with the help of the treasured, sometimes fancy or humorous little cocktail napkin…I discovered a really cool article from a marketing and consulting firm in North Carolina to share with you. It’s a remarkable and rather ironic fluke to find this article {again, who knew this was a real “topic”} as it has several commonalities with those listed in their article “Cocktail Napkin Hall of Fame” that are very near and dear to my journey and Silhouette of Success story. As my older brother once said I will deliver the news to you even if “you can’t handle the truth” …I do love that movie!

What a joyous exploration this has been and thank you to Vicky for reminding us from her experience of how many wonderful ideas, successes, relationships, inventions and kindness have been shared on this little humble cocktail napkin and spending quality time with quality people.

For You!

Take a few seconds to sign up and download your very own “Cocktail Napkin of Success” and jot down some brilliant ideas!

Be sure and pass this on and share your greatness with us in the comments!

Shine on Silhouette of Success Sorority Sister!
