In this Sorority Session:

Give yourself permission to savor the personal triumphs and business milestones, train for the win, drill for the skill and keep those gorgeous eyes wide open for the signs…they are everywhere.

Let’s review the Conversation Highlights | Episode 2

Mindful | Discipline | Gratitude

Picture yourself with the most bodacious, shiniest, glitziest trophy imaginable.

Can you see it, focus in…got it?

Good-that’s exactly what you can achieve, (symbolically speaking, of course!) once you give yourself permission!

How do you recognize a “W” (a.k.a win)?

Do you allow yourself the luxury to enjoy that win?

Milestones should be celebrated as they are the steppingstones to the primary goal or dream. Now, this doesn’t mean go overboard with an ego-trip, but truly value what you have accomplished. It’s golden!

As you take the action, each step to the next milestone is worthy of a few seconds of grateful reflection. Embrace the process with mindful discipline as you and your goal/dream are worth the efforts, hard work and the sparkle of that golden moment.

Remember while you are diligently working towards that goal/dream-stay focused on the mission, however, learn to keep your eyes, ears and heart open for signs that might help boost or even adjust your path in new direction!

Remember what Julie said about that cream colored blouse?

When was the last time you were proud of a personal or business victory? Tell us!

Share it with us in the comments section below…it’s time to allow yourself permission to celebrate the wins. 

Permission To Win…Get Your Permission Slip – Click Here!


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Shari Miller