In this Sorority Session:

“Hold my water bottle…” 

Let’s review the Conversation Highlights:

Storytelling | Promise | Self-Care

Yeah, that sounds like a funny meme, ah but if you saw what I saw, you would realize that it would take both arms to cradle underneath this water bottle! Jennifer provided water bottles as gifts for an event I attended {shout out to House of Shine again, they are that amazing!}, and they were a showstopper. We will revisit this water bottle later. Just visualize it with me, it was HUGE, no exaggeration, of which I am prone to in my storytelling!

Speaking of storytelling in her Episode #28, Jennifer shares the importance of storytelling in her position as CEO of GSNEXT, with of course so many other great she imparts upon us. It’s interesting how it seems that storytelling in the technology age is fashioned as a newer idea with all of the social media in front of us, as if it’s revolutionary. But it’s not, it’s a basic form of our communication from the earliest of early years! Etchings on cave walls, stone tablets, camp fires and guitars, Grandpa’s tales from the pick-up truck, bedtime story time, getting together with your gal pals…storytelling! I’ll say there is a range from both the very basic and a true skilled, perfected art-form. Jennifer has it down, her story flowed so well and enthusiastically that she had me ready to re-enlist looking for my green patched filled sash from my Grandmothers’ 80-year-old cedar chest…oh, and Grandma will be 105 this August, she deserves a round of applause! Yay!

Her passion and belief in what she does is the essence of a credible, strong and convincing story to share…what a gift she gave to us in telling her story by way of sharing her passion for her role. Go back and listen closely to Jennifer, and all of the Silhouettes…within their stories are so many core motivators, inspirational thoughts to tangent off of for all of us to explore or implement within our own Silhouette of Success journeys. Pretty cool!

Now, something else that is significant and made an extraordinary impact on me was Jennifer’s water bottle…because it was a true symbol of something else she believes in, and is committed to…self-care! I mentioned we’d revisit this unapologetic tower of motivation…self-care has been shared by several Silhouettes, so do you see a trend here? Take the best care of you that you can do, hydrate! Drink water take a walk or find some quiet time to release and ease your mind. Then drink more water! Treat yourself to a pretty glass or ginormous water bottle! Of course, do your personal research on how much to intake…but stay hydrated Silhouette!

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Take Care of You!



Shari Miller