In this Sorority Session: 

Cheers…To Building Your Confidence and Your Compensation 

Let’s review the Conversation Highlights:

Epiphany | Charlotte & The Lollipop Lady | Joy

Pop the cork…kick your heels up-congratulations you have discovered your passion either by natural progression or an unanticipated epiphany sparked by someone or something that ignited a burning white-hot desire of motivation within to pursue a goal/dream. (remember to thank them too!)

It’s a blessing no matter the path that has brought you to this point, it’s what so many strive to obtain. What a gift, such a joy! Ah, but there is a disconnect between your passion and pocketbook?

Most of us have been there, so let’s break it down, explore some thoughts that will help you feel more confident in the monetary amount you charge for the value you are providing…and having fun doing so (and yes, since you are here with us, it’s a given that you are providing good, honest, quality work or service)!

Think back to Eve’s example of women selling to each other and often times it might not be a tangible good or service but a transformational experience so we might struggle to place a financial value on it, plus we enjoy doing it and helping…so that may cause a sense of guilt. I love her candid quote “I would never do not-for-profit work, for a for-profit business”. Ah-Ha!

Remember that you are providing and serving. You are a business woman. Period. Keep in mind no one values “Free”! Your client or customer appreciates, in fact respects your confidence in the service you provide them, the enjoyment shows and the business grows!

So, how do you build up more confidence to ask and receive strong and fair compensation?

Let’s ask some candid questions and give yourself a rating (1=Eh to 5=Stellar)

  • You must believe in what you do…how strong are you in presenting your product/service____
  • Do you practice, train or skill build daily? ____
  • Do you know what to say, do you have scripts or cue cards? ____
  • What’s your confidence factor today? ____
  • Have you put a price on your time (per project/per hour)? ____
  • Do you know your base costs of goods or services? ____
  • Do you offer something truly unique or industry standard? ____
  • Have you researched the market rate for your industry/good/service? ____
  • What do you offer above and beyond the sale/service? ____
  • Can you clearly identify, articulate how you are you different, seriously this is key. ____
  • Is your communication and customer service the very best it can be? ____

How did you rate yourself?

Okay; now we can see the possible disconnect with some areas to build on-Great News! It may be one area; it may be all of them…that’s okay! We have to see it to understand it, acknowledge and improve upon it…truth!

Invest in yourself: do the research, do the hard work that will fine-tune your skills to build your confidence and strengthen your resolve to receive the compensation you deserve, and rightly earned. Focus on the areas of improvement for 30 days, come back and rate yourself again.

Share with us in the comments your progress, let us know which areas or topics you need additional help or resources to continue your empowered success.


Cheers, stay in touch!


Shari Miller