In this Sorority Session:

Passing on the light

Let’s review the Conversation Highlights:

Perseverance | Exploration | Quiet

Did you hear a strong theme and desire from Becky in her Episode 31 of passing on the light? I did! In her episode she speaks to the importance of education, specifically college. She talks about her path and the options that are now available to those who wish to pursue a college degree. What I heard within that storyline is a woman that remembers yearning to go away to college as a young woman but wasn’t able at that time, a woman who persevered making the commitment to herself to earn and obtain her degree no matter the length of time it took and now founded a pathway to support young ladies that are putting in the long hours, hard work now with an opportunity to win some prize money to help them go to college! It’s not a cake walk…believe me these young ladies and their families are “all in 100%”. Becky saw an opportunity and jumped into action. It’s people like Becky that see the gap, can relate to the deficit but don’t stop there…they take action to offer or implement a solution! This is what really inspires us to all become better in our lives.

In addition to helping the young ladies, the nonprofit she created Women Steering Business also allows the members tremendous benefits as well, friendship, collaboration, growth, giving back in many aspects-it truly has been a blessing for me to be a part of this exceptional group.

Talk about backing yourself and passing on the light to another…inspirational beyond words! Thank You Becky!

Shari Miller