In this Sorority Session:

Grab Your Passport of Privacy 

Let’s review the Conversation Highlights:

Harmony | Inner Voice | Inspiration

Did you hear that? No…try again. Now? Hmm. Let’s’ try again but this time find a quiet space where you won’t have any distractions or disruptions. Okay, take a deep breath like the meditation gurus instruct, inhale, exhale and breathe through your nose! Deep breaths…good. Now can you hear that…your inner voice is trying to reach you! We are in a fast-paced world and after being locked down for nearly 18 months, some of you are still restricted both in the USA and abroad…as the world is opening up, we are moving at speed X2 making up for lost time. Right now, more than ever it’s time to get some positive things in place for your self- care, sanity and productivity!

In Episode 34, Sarah articulates the importance of listening to her inner voice. Hearing the positivity, direction and motivational messaging to press forward. It’s too easy for us to allow that other voice to dominate our thoughts…you know who I’m talking about- the little red devil fella but it’s time to squash him like the little bug he is. Let’s have a little fun, ready? Literally or in your mind visualize with me: hold your hand up, place your fingers in a “pinching” position and PINCH to squash him. Good, done…let’s move forward X2 to not only hear but focus, concentrate to sharpen the skill and learn to listen, actively listen to our inner voice that is been desperate to reach us.

Invest in yourself, take a little walkabout in your mind today, nestle into a comfy, quiet spot, grab your Passport of Privacy and wander away! What are some of the messages you receive from your inner voice? I can share a quick example of one profound experience: I felt stuck for many days and then one quiet morning…thoughts, ideas and content material flowed from my head to the notebook like a unicorn sneezing rainbow glitter! It was a morning I will never forget and will always be grateful. Does that help paint the picture of what’s possible? It’s your turn!

There are times when just one thought or affirmation is heard…and that is golden! So, how about for you-what positive thoughts, motivational moments, golden ideas or epiphany’s have you heard when investing in yourself for quiet reflection and reconnecting with your inner voice?

 Share with us your inner voice successes

