In this Sorority Session:

Solid Gold Standards


Let’s review the Conversation Highlights:

Purpose | Plan | Self Care 

There are people in your life, just like mine that when they speak…you listen, and you listen up good.

Of course, we listen to everyone and are consistently working to improve this valuable skill…but you get my point! Well, Helen Stephens is one that when she has information to share, nuggets of knowledge…they are always solid gold.

I think back to my early j-o-b-s and remember not understanding all of the gibberish reading through new hire paperwork…401K, ROTH, benefits, blah, blah, blah. This was all foreign to me…I just needed to pay my bills, feed my daughter-single mom here-Ugh. I was a survivalist.

So, did I start early in financial planning, no. It wasn’t something that familiar to me or learned growing up…the lessons I did learn, and those experiences have proven just as equal but it’s not the focus of this Sorority Session!

When I did begin to understand what all of this meant, and a huge credit goes to my husband who opened the door to that new world for me. It wasn’t an easy or exciting topic at the time, because again, it wasn’t ingrained in me from my youth, I didn’t have enough money (so I thought) to be a fancy 401K’er or investor-I had no idea or understanding of any of it! I had built up to the point of my earnings where it made sense to me listen, my maturity had blossomed and with the comfort of his support to walk through the door-I entered “Financial Planning”. {Fast forward… years later we find ourselves now in the remarkable care of Helen}.

I now see our daughter who is 24 years old, beginning her journey into the world of earning, saving and investing her way to discovering financial planning for a secure, stable future. She’s all ears and I love it. Our son loves his dollars too, he’s like daddy and has little stashes here and there-it’s fun to watch the accumulation of his earnings from having a dog poo patrol business! It’s a great feeling to watch how the lessons do take root within them as they grow.

If you have someone who is talking with you about your financial planning-listen!

If you don’t have someone, find someone.

It is never too late to educate yourself and create a plan at any level of earnings. Take all of Helen’s golden advice from planning to your environment to fresh air…she has the utmost integrity, genuine raw desire to help with the heart of gold. Everything she does in my opinion is of a solid gold standard measure. Save for yourself now, save for yourself in the future and realize the self-care you are creating by taking action and peace of mind is invaluable. Take action today. One call. One text. One email. One resource read. You are worth it.


You are gold to me!!



Shari Miller