In this Sorority Session:

Back To The Basics…Rebuild

Let’s review the Conversation Highlights:

Voice | Rebuild | Grace

It’s been “a” year that we will all reflect back on with many opportunities to make the choice of embracing or resenting. It’s a choice! Either way those events, moments and experiences took place. So, may I suggest we borrow some of Beckie’s optimism and take them as opportunities to learn a little something then move on as we look forward to get Back to the Basics and Rebuild!

Make a list of your triumph’s, remember she talked about how her Grandmother accentuated the positives! Break it down to the bare basics, make it a light exercise, no need to over complicate with a spreadsheet!

Let’s get back to the basics to rejoice over as you rebuild the foundations of your goals and dreams to prepare for a new phase in your Silhouette of Success journey.

Sure, the new year is around the corner but why wait for the calendar to tell you when to start? Start in the next hour…need some more time to craft your list…then start tomorrow. Hold yourself accountable, schedule it on your calendar-it’s that important!  

The key is to start, take action no dilly dallying. Get going on your list of successes to help remind yourself of what you have accomplished in this past year towards that stalled goal or dream-it’s then we can go forward with renewed mindset to rebuild upon those achieved success as you step into the next milestone.

Every one of us has a choice to move forward in grace and confidence (borrow some of ours if need to-remember Devon in Episode 6!) or you can choose to shy away from the challenge. I know that you are here with us, so you are in good company for shared support and choose the light.

Let’s keep the light of your Silhouette bright. Collaborate and share! You never know if something you might ask, or share could be similar to another’s struggle. Or even better it will spark a great collaboration. Let’s lift up one another…together!


Share your voice, join us!

Shari Miller