She is bilingual speaking both English and Spanish, a branch production manager, with over 20 years in the mortgage industry. She has been featured in D Magazine, a popular Dallas publication, in 2020 and 2021 for best mortgage professionals. She has been listed in Scotsman Guide for top units, as well as listed in Mortgage Executive as top 1% of mortgage originators and has been on the National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America’s top 100 list. Married to an Army Veteran-She has a big blended family of 8 children with ages ranging from 24 to 3-year-old twins.


Picture It: At 19 years of age she needed a home, a place to start her family with a one-year old daughter. They saved to prepare to purchase their 1st home. While they were under the impression things were going one way toward an FHA mortgage-several unexpected details proved to be otherwise during, nearing the closing of the transaction. Christina shares this experience as the example of her passionate mission and perhaps her |why” of helping people with solid, credible education and support to guide them during their home buying journey. She talked about how their unanticipated loan details caused them addition struggles and living for the, payments-but they did it. It didn’t have to be this way. Christina has almost a true north when it comes to her motivation for being in the mortgage industry. She shared her real-life example and has built a five-star reputation for herself over the years! In addition, she, along with her team support the communities they serve to help so many people and families with stability and setting them up for a legacy of wealth building through homeownership.

Smother: Prepares for the day the night before. She’s a planner with flexibility! Learning to let go. Having a good team, having the right people and trust in them to get it done. Christina shares this suggestion as it relates to the expectations of your team “inspect what you expect”. Love this, she says her kids call her a Smother, she loves to be in their business! Christina shares how thankful she is to be in this place on her journey, thank for her husband, family, career and just witnessing all of the goodness in her world. Snuggles too…did we mentioned loving the snuggles?

Progress: Christina shares that something she is very proud of…the progress. Whoa. Yes, the progress of how far she has come, what she has accomplished and what she has accomplished for herself and her family. She speaks to a time when she thought of her role in the industry as a job and not so much focusing on it as a career. Interesting observation. Christina reflects on an important investment she made in herself in a retreat called Building Champions-big personal and business growth. It’s exciting to hear her talk about the new adventures that she and her husband are branching off into. A one pager Business Plan-what!?! Nice. Re-listen to Christina’s method for a fresh style Business Plan-simple, visual and frequently visit it, update and succeed together! The accountability is so positive and huge!


Always look for the YES. You will find it-don’t accept the No.-look to other successful people/women for motivation and seek extra motivation.


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