Our V.I.P. Featured Guest Dianna Kokoszka is an Entrepreneur, Keynote Speaker, Author and Mentor. As an award-winning business leader, she has established herself as a prominent figure in the business world, developing many leaders during her longevity. Dedicating 13 years as CEO of KW MAPS Coaching and Training at Keller Williams Realty International, she played a pivotal role in propelling the company to become the largest and most profitable coaching enterprise in the real estate industry!

As innovator, creator and author of the KW BOLD Experience and Coaching Skills Camp she helped lead the company to be recognized as the number one training company in the world.

She is a board member of Growing Leaders, a John Maxwell Leadership Foundation Organization and captures every opportunity to journey alongside EQUIP Leadership Inc. a non-profit dedicated to instilling values in individuals, transforming nations.

Dianna is a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP), a founding member of the John Maxwell Team of Certified Coaches, (IMC) and actively participating in the Strategic Coach training program. As a lifelong learner, she has followed and been mentored by John C. Maxwell since the mid-1990s.

Her greatest passions revolve around developing leaders and encouraging individuals to recognize and harness their innate potential.

Amongst her impressive achievements, Dianna’s most cherished titles are wife, mother, and grandmother. Her genuine concern for the welfare of others serves as the driving force behind all her endeavors, fueling her unwavering commitment to add value to others.


Adding Value: Dianna naturally comes by the desire; passion equipped with the skills to bring and add value by being of service to together. The story she shares of working in the store learning customer services, buying cues and attentive to opportunities to bring value with the stellar up sales possibilities is delightful. Her 2AM story of how she entered the world of real estate, it’s relatable and awe-inspiring! Don’t let your checkbook do the thinking for you! Her tenacious drive and courage clearly displayed…can you just picture it. Did you catch that she went to twelve, yes twelve (12) offices before she was hired? And can we all agree to give three cheers for her little red wagon story, I sense a movie in the making. As her parents would say, nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Leadership: Dianna shares a story about learning some very tough lessons, the hard way…did you catch her story about checking in on your money, and often? She became and grew into a fierce negotiator through her experiences, the good and bad. Dianna shares how her father sold tickets to The American Motivational Society, which allowed her proximity and some one on one time with icons like, Zig Zigler, Norman Vincent Peale, Cavett Robert, Art Linkletter, Phyliss George and mentors such a industry giants Jim Rohn and John C. Maxwell! Dianna is the creator and founder of the massively successful and life changing coaching program B.O.L.D.!

Gifts: She majored in physics and math, so Dianna is drawn to anything that has research and studies to review. In fact, she talks about how and why she is an advocate for having a routine. Tune in! Dianna is a strong believer in gratitude and taking it a step further…she has a passion for sharing her findings with others, and in spades! Dianna’s siblings had brain tumors, so she poured into studying the brain in order to help her brother and sister and acknowledges that this was also in part a preparation for helping her to write her upcoming book. Dianna talks about going back to the “gift zone” early on ion the discussion and then she talks to us about taking a stand for one’s own greatness and the gift that God gave us…each of us-go back if you missed it. Her upcoming book goes in depth of mindset, to be specific; seven (7) mindsets that liberate us and seven (7) that limit us!


I become what I believe about myself, so I believe the very best of myself.




PRE-ORDER TODAY: Dianna is offering us a free mindset assessment

when pre-ordered before October 31, 2023.






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