Our V.I.P. Featured Guest Eva Jannotta helps women defy the status quo, amplify our influence, and expand our wealth and power with thought leadership. Eva and the Medusa Media Group team train and advise authors, speakers, coaches and consultants to generate strong leads and grow engaged audiences by publishing their best thinking. She works with women in her programs “Micro Marketing Method” and “Exponential Audience”, and privately. Eva lives on O’odham Jeweḍ, Akimel O’odham, and Hohokam ancestral land in Phoenix, AZ.
Slow-n-Steady: Eva is an early riser that awakes naturally. She talks about the daily negotiations of structure and freedom. Meditation, morning beverage, some personal time and she is then in work mode between 8am-9am. She expresses her intentional efforts to slow down a bit and a great new habit she implemented; a commitment to no longer eat/snack at her computer. Great best practice! She winds down the workday around 4PM-6PM with some exercise, maybe a little bit of cooking or reading on the sofa…ahh! Did you catch her thoughts on “story monopolies”? Eva explains and it from her perspective, and I can absolutely relate! I immediately thought of the Tortoise and the Hare fable, and that’s all good, because we know who wins!
Silhouette: She gets it! Eva starts off with sharing the early shaping of her silhouette of success! As she shares her story from a corporate position to now having her own company, she gets it! Eva talks about her role today, the positive momentum and opportunity she is now able to help support other women. She talks about her growth and the shaping and reshaping her thinking for greater awareness with thoughtful leadership. So, what exactly is thought leadership? It’s a down-to-earth and engaging definition she shares…listen up! White knuckling her way to success, Eva talks about investing in herself and overcoming the thought barrier. Ditch the word and feeling “should”! Oh, did you pick up on her fabulous interests and hobbies…weightlifting, romance, and fantasy novels….and outer space-oh yes indeed!
Support Suite: Business coaches, mindset/personal coaches, husband, partner, and friends make up Eva’s Support Suite. She talks about the profound impact that having a strong support system is so important. Eva is a self- described as an outgoing introvert. Flexibility in her days is helpful to recharge or reset. She shares a variety of options that help her. Eva compliments a couple of previous influences and mentors. She appreciates their valuable imprints. You can check them out below in the Resource section under Favorite {Hello Jen, Ali, and Eleanor!}.
When something feels like a stop sign, often it is a green light.
{tune in on her thoughts on how this works for her to get out of a comfort zone}
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My free course, 5 Pillars of Magnetic Thought Leadership