Our V.I.P. Featured Guest Somer Baburek currently serves as the President & CEO of Hera Biotech, a women’s health company focused on commercializing a non-surgical diagnostic for early detection of endometriosis. Prior to founding Hera, Somer, spent seven years as the Director of Clinical Operations for Santalis Pharmaceuticals where she built out the clinical program at the company. During her tenure, Santalis expanded its clinical program from a single IND to four active INDs; and from 2 domestic clinical trials to over 10 clinical trials, including 2 international trials. In addition to her work at Santalis, Somer also worked for the Targeted Technology Fund (TTF), San Antonio’s largest life science venture capital fund, where she participated in due diligence on potential investments and served as a board representative, as needed. During her time with the TTF organization, Somer earned her MBA with a specialization in Data Analytics, from Louisiana State University. Prior to her work with the Targeted Technology Fund and Santalis, Somer attended the University of Texas San Antonio where she graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in entrepreneurship and was the winner of the prestigious C.I.T.E. (Center for Innovation Technology and Entrepreneurship) annual student competition, with a women’s health technology she invented.


Through her eyes: Somer shares how she became passionate about women’s health and seeing so many gaps in the system through her own eyes in her own experiences. She also understood that as a Mom of two daughters she wanted to improve the system for their future experiences, talk about motivation. Tune in to hear her story about “her pitch”…goosebump worthy! Somer breaks down some seriously eye opening stats and numbers as it pertains to venture capital funding, female founders and then women’s health…whoa.

Blocking: She talks about having structure, tech tools to streamline along with prepping for meals for the family and posting the meal schedule, brilliant. Somer shares that she solely focuses on LinkedIn and stays away from investing time into social media and enjoys time blocking. She can time block for self-care, appointments or just a cup of tea, so very helpful to be present. Prioritizing needs, tasks and goals are top of mind with her on best practices. Somer shares that if she is stuck, she reaches out to a female founder friend or her husband to talk, white board it and work through situations for a solution or idea.

Greek Goddess: Hear Biotech is exciting, her company and technology is life changing! Endometriosis and her quest is personal to her with so many of her family and friends with real experiences she is working to help with her technology and company. If you heard earlier, Somer is all about seeing the gaps and finding solutions. Hera, the Greek Goddess and the Peacock feather-wow-tune in to hear how she came up with her company’s name and why. It’s powerful. Somer talks with great pride about being in the forefront of the Endo-Warrior movement. In addition, we asked Somer to share some of her favorite milestones; Hera Biotech was the 1st winner Kendra Scott Female Pitch Competition, Astro Bootcamp, Coyote Ventures supporting her are hug!


If not you, then who, if not now, then when?

A version of a famous quote, quick source research indicates it was originated by Hillel the Elder, not a guarantee!




Hera Biotech


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