In this Sorority Session:

Love you to the moon and back!

Let’s review the Conversation Highlights:

Celebrations | Shenanigans | Super-Powers

Celebrations all around to our Silhouettes…cue the confetti, pop the cork…hip, hip hooray!

Raising a glass full of successful cheer to each and every one that is participating with us, you are all to be celebrated. Especially to Laurie | Episode No. 67 for the honor of booking our podcast interview on her 50th birthday. It is an absolute humbling joy that she shared some of her special day with us! What a tremendous milestone occasion and it deeply warms the heart she chose to spend some of her day with us! In fact, so much of what she saved is applicable to all of us….a last that dreams, and working to bring life to our dreams…they do come true no matter our age.

With that said, there are days when I take a moment and ponder some of these thoughts:

Is what I am doing helpful?

Is anyone out there listening, reading or following the messages?

Am I delivering the curated content I have promised to help uplift and impact on their lives in a positive manner?

…questions like this sound familiar to you?

Early on in my journey before launching The Amber Weitzer Podcast, Silhouettes of Success Podcast those were thoughts that crossed my mind, ok they did more than “cross my mind”, they pitched tents and camped out seeming to remain study through my swirling torrid winds of fears and what ifs and tears of torrential rains of overwhelm couldn’t flood them out.  I was only able to erratic them and evict those free loading nuisances once I discovered that my white-heat passion for serving and desire to showcase and connect the amazing women in my world elevated itself to the sky. It was as clear as the deep black night wallpapered with glittering stars and a brilliant glowing moon that illuminates for all to admire. A powerful, enlightening and unwavering reveal.

In that phase of my Silhouette of Success journey I was able to find my groove, perhaps a calling as the stars had aligned, the path illuminated and the mission clear.

It dawned on me after talking with Laurie truly the gift and responsibility of what we are doing for each other. My responsibility in answering my calling to connect, collaborate, facilitate and be a docent through this journey.

It took some time to reflect back on many of our previous Silhouettes of Success VIP Featured Guests to recall some of the other special milestones or 1st’s.

You see, we have had many, many Silhouettes that this was their 1st podcast, this was their favorite day of the week or month, so they scheduled their interview on this lucky day, this was a milestone birthday…a few I can recall are Laurie choose to spend a part of her 50th, Lacie | Episode No. 58 her 40th and me on my 50th. So, let’s raise a glass to each of you out there for embarking on a dream, goal, or just getting though today…allow yourself the grace to discover, arm yourself with the power to command, enjoy the journey of exploring the options that will lead you down the path towards a successful outcome….at every age milestone throughout your Silhouette of Success journey! 

