“The City Girl {at heart}, well she’s really a Country Girl {at heart} too”

One of our Silhouettes of Success and I have embarked on a magical journey together. It’s a project whose roots were planted, unbeknownst to us back in 2018. Serendipity-I’ve mentioned it before!

Plus, who would have ever imagined we would be doing what we are doing!

Dare I say, did what we did! I’m still counting the many “firsts” for me since she and I kicked this off last year…and giving credit where credit is due-along with us are amazing, talented and creative partners of course!

More to come in the future when she feels the time is right but for now, this episode is focusing on something enlightening, for me that arouse from working with her on this project.

Rhinestones and Barbed Wire

Straw Cowgirl Hat and Louis Vuitton

Denim Overalls and Fishnet Stockings

Champagne and Beef Jerky

Green Acres and Sex In The City

Tractors and BMW’s

Stilettos and Snake Boots

Chainsaws and Chandeliers

Sequins and Sawdust

Looped in yet…?!? See the calamity of confusion, is this The City Girl or The Country Girl I’m talking aboutyes!

What do others see in us? Fair question. Does it really matter? Depends. Context is critical, would you agree?

Do you have a professional/business persona, branding or style?

Do you actively and intentionally maintain it?

Is this something that is important to you or a non-issue, low priority…either way…it’s all good!

I’m sharing this story for a little bit of fun on the topic with a heavy dose of recognizing personal growth…in real time-yikes!

Anymore these persona’s might not apply across the spectrum as many work environments and standards have morphed, so these will be purely to help illustrate a visual compare and contrast.

You go to visit a working farm, you see a farmer. She might be in denim overalls, a straw hat, some work gloves and muck boots.

If you go see a lawyer in a high-rise, corner office suite, she could be in a fitted couture business suit, and perfectly coifed from head to toe.

During my Silhouette of Success journey, I have evolved, altered and modified my persona but venture to say that I have stayed true to my style axis.

It’s with our personal life experiences, upbringing and influences over our lifetimes that help shape our silhouettes and along the journey our persona and branding is tailored…

Okay, let’s explore it this way-some have a clear-cut persona, a trademark style or niche that’s easy to ascertain their vibe…helpful. How about when there isn’t a visible hallmark to help guide you or worse yet, an enigma to decipher! Stay with me, just setting the scene here!

If there is one common take away that I have learned from our first 50 Silhouettes of Success and in talking with the future and prospective Silhouettes, is that we are all so very, very deep with multifaceted layers. Of course, I knew this before, in fact it’s part of what moved me to taking on this passion project of sharing these spectacular women with all of you.

But truly, during our conversations, the remarkable details we find out, the depth of their stories and journeys are to say at a minimum mind blowing!

There is a comfort for some in having a cut and dry personal style and branding.

They enjoy the comforts of that nesting place.

Can you recognize it, their social media has a consistent color palette, it’s cohesive from A to Z. You know who they are, what they do and that is awesome. Easy to relate with, would you agree?

Now the polar opposite, those that are free spirits in all aspects of their world. Their happy place is keeping it spontaneous and eclectic.

I’ll bet you can picture someone to help visualize this example too.

But did you see what happened here…again, easy to relate with, you were able to think of an example.

How about those that fit in between? Yes, in between…perhaps they live in many realms, enjoy participating in both the defined and coloring outside the line’s worlds! Ah, enter…me.

As I mentioned earlier, there have been many firsts for me on this project with my new friend.

Some were uncomfortable accepting more of my flaws, some were downright difficult, yet the majority of the lessons and experiences have stretched me to reach new heights of growth and discovery.

Pretty magical!

As she and I began collaborating the respect, admiration and appreciation mounted. The current path we were on wasn’t a planned and plotted course with a final destination or goal, rather, it was conversations of listening and learning.

During this time, it became apparent that the path was narrowing, and it was time to adjust course…so we did.

Well, since we had drastically venturing into new territories (for us both!), we needed some professional help, training.

Here we are, dressed, pressed, polished and we showed up!

It was during this time that our persona’s were about to be ear tagged! Now, keep in mind that I’m somewhat of a maverick, I’m an independent contractor for a reason-so when I began to see the “I am a-label” coming my way the anxiety level began to percolate.


Do I roll with the flow, play my role and character, upset the applecart or speak up?

In the moments where this was organically taking place, it was a wee bit nerve racking already…(okay more than a wee bit-I was sweating, my body knotted up and tense, I was nervous and feeling so vulnerable, looking at the TV monitors and spotting every flaw…which of course was not helpful to my mindset-this was whole new environment for me…and her. )

Side note: What was a serious blessing that we were with new folks, experts in this industry (super-groovy peeps!) and sitting with my friend, I was scared to let her down.

So, I rolled with it…flowed with it or so I thought I was flowing…something was off in my novice performance.

Okay, not that my performance was noteworthy yet, this was a first for me in this setting, and after all it was a training class…but even our trainer could sense my internal struggle…yes-she’s that good, we just met that day, so yes like I have already mentioned–they are awesome at what they do!

Why was I struggling so? The label.

I was seriously hung up with being placed in one persona over another…whoa. Personal growth happening live and in front of almost strangers!

Interesting situation to quickly work through, this tango of mixed emotions and in-real time.

Taking on the personal challenges of getting to this place where we were sitting, this hang up wasn’t going to stall out the project for such a seemingly silly dilemma of mine.

Seriously why was I or do I have such angst towards being labeled?

Anyone else have this aversion?

For the record, it was sounds like as I’m telling the story that time froze until I got back up off the floor throwing a toddler fit, dusted myself off and got back to work-it was a quick few moments as we did some quick wordsmithing to find the sweet spot that was suitable and flowed naturally…yet the experience was taking place for me in cinematic slow motion.

I was more trying to decipher my reaction to the situation…again personal growth taking place here, me without a journal to capture it.

My journey has been wonderous and bittersweet at times, the ambrosial blending for a unique elixir and I get very protective of my authentic essence that’s true to me, naturally mine both complex and concise.

I must have decided along my journey that I cannot be placed in a category, title or label, it goes against my core-I want to explore it all!

There are times growing up (ask my brothers!) that I can clearly illustrate where my chameleon like skills were called into action. Perhaps this seemed inauthentic, ugh the word “fake” yet I know it was my ability to adapt, fit in, play the part, be versatile and yes, sometimes survive-and it doesn’t get more authentic than that. Period.

What it comes down to-is the culmination of, as I mentioned earlier; it’s our personal life experiences, our upbringing and the influences over our lifetimes that help shape our silhouettes.

So, you see I am The City Girl (at heart)!

I am The Country Girl (at heart)!

It is all me, my own and it’s powerful!

We are all a fusion of amazing, beautiful, creatively distinct simply complex beings to appreciate, embrace and cherish…I celebrate you!

