Our V.I.P. Featured Guest is a Multi-Award-Winning Business owner, Coach, Consultant, Strategist, Trainer, and Speaker working with inspired and ambitious women around the world wanting to have their all, on their own terms!
As a unique business leader, Yinka founded Calla Success Systems to support busy and ambitious women to shine, sparkle and build business lead thriving and profitable businesses while living nourishing and inspiring lives. She’s now focused on changing the narrative around disadvantage around the paradigm of women building businesses, and with her passion for a holistic approach to improvement and success, Yinka works with women to focus on systems and leverage ensure that the habits, environments, and processes in their lives and businesses support their deepest hopes and wildest dreams and enable them to define success on their own terms and build exciting inspiring journeys to get there.
She’s a real champion and supporter for women doing their thing!
Along with running her business she is a school governor, charity trustee, youth mentor and is committed to building an incredible legacy of love, life and excellence for as many people as she can.
Rising Tide: Yinka starts off by sharing a little bit about her background and upbringing. Raised within a tight knit family that immigrated, she was keenly aware of the expectations. She shares the they were raised to both respect the individual responsibility but also the community-for example a rising tide lifts all ships. She says her parents instilled very early on that they were expected to be the best that they could be, top of the class and relentless drive for excellence even through a difficult environment. In addition to the culture differences and minimal landscape of diversity growing up-she shares that she has a more introverted personality which differed from her entire family. Yinka shares her unwavering love for her family and talks about the ability to reflect back now in adulthood on how interesting it must have also been for her family to try and understand her. Full circle of self-acceptance, love is awesome! Celebrate the differences!
Paying Herself First: Yinka is deliberate with time management of her days. Whether it is her marriage, family or business she approaches her days with grace, nurture and connection with God, herself and then the world. While the time is structured, the activity within her time block are fluid as she is guided or needed. She talks about the gift of life and how time is precious, it’s non-renewable. One of her philosophy’s that Yinka believes, is paying yourself first and coaches her clients to do the same; both in time and money.
Ca$h: Facing a forced choice of choosing between your money or your life-this is a concept that Yinka coaches’ women how to avoid this situation. She observed her Mother having to leave chemo during her breast cancer treatments to then go take care of clients. Yinka decided that she was going to create a system, a business to help women to have the life, to have the cash flow and position herself in such a way that she would not have to pick one or the other. Yinka knows that cash flow is crucial; if you have no cash flow-you have no business. She did a plethora of research, training and resources but she found that the majority, if not all of the business training was created for male structure. Feast or famine. Yinka continued to observe that so many women didn’t have access to business training around cash flow. She “got the rage” about this and created and launched the Fab & FEARless imprint that focuses on the mindset, upgrading skillset and habits. Take notes, play it over and over then go check out her links below in the Resources!
A Favorite Quote: “Everything you need to get everything you want is within you or within your reach.” – Jim Rohn
BONUS: Reach out to Yinka on LinkedIn and tell her you found her on The Amber Weitzer Podcast, Silhouettes of Success and she has a little something for you! Sweet!
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
The Judgement Detox by Gabrielle Bernstein